Maggie Olkuska, DFF
Director of Photography

Kodenavn: Storfyrstinden

A documentary-drama series portraying the story of an extraordinary Danish woman, Jutta Graae, who worked at a local bank and became a secret agent during WWII. The series takes us back in time to Denmark, Sweden, and London, spanning the years 1939 to 1947, following in Jutta's footsteps. Her code name was Storfyrstinden, and she was one of England's most important contacts in Denmark during the occupation, playing a key role in Denmark's liberation.

Produced by REEF TV for the Danish National TV DR1 

4 x 59min 

Premiere: 29th December 2024, Sunday DR 1  20.00

Watch the series online on DR1 TV in Denmark


Slideshow / Stills from the series: 


Producer: Dorthe Gad Thuemoes

Produced by REEF TV for DR1, Danish National TV

Director (drama): Heidi Maria Faisst

Camera & Light crew 

DOP: Maggie Olkuska, DFF

Color Grader: Norman Nisbet

Gaffer, Kristoffer Bruhn

1st AC, Christian Helskov

2nd Ac Morten Mørk

Steady Cam: Lars Nørlund 

Main Grip/Boat scenes: Tøt Michael Kromand

Lighting crew: Lasse Stryander, Kasper Koch Christienen, Ulrik Gani, Frederik Wedelboe Hansen, Martin Dahl Andersen, Kristoffer Bak Nielsen, Oskar Ditzel, Thor Kjær

Cinematographers, additional days: Morten Krüger, Andreas Ascanius Lundmark

Interviews filmed by: Klaus Nedergaard, Marcus Moos

As the Director of Photography, my role was to design a visual journey that takes us back in time—from 1939 to 1947—through Denmark, Sweden, and London. My intention was to portray the story through the eyes of a woman during war times. 

From the start, I envisioned a transition of colors throughout the series- shifting light and tones from episode to episode - as the story evolves and our main characters find themselves in increasingly dangerous situations. We begin in 1939 with a warm look before moving into the wartime years in Denmark, Sweden, and London, where cold spaces and shadows take over. By the end of Episode 4, as we return to Denmark in 1947, warmth gradually returns.

Bringing this vision to life took meticulous planning. With my dedicated gaffer Kristoffer Bruhn, our camera and lighting teams, and color grader Norman Nisbet, we conducted extensive tests - developing in-camera LUTs for each period. On set, we fine-tuned lighting temperatures, the contrast between key and rim lights to match the evolving mood. Finally, in post-production, Norman refined the look through final color correction.

I had the pleasure of working with the great Danish film director Hedi Maria Faisst and a fantastic dedicated team. This four-episode docudrama is the result of true collaboration - thanks to the incredible efforts of our creative and technical teams, including costume, makeup, and production design. 

Kodenavn: Storfyrstinden on IMDB.COM

Behind the scenes

Official Poster 2024, DR

Using Format